Calling All Athletes: Let’s Take Savasana
Sa-va-san- what? When I first started taking yoga I remember thinking I was learning a new foreign language. Instructors would call out Mountain Pose (Tadasana), Chaturanga Dandasana, and Warrior II. While the poses challenged my balance and core strength, I noticed yoga started to become this enjoyable, constant reminder to slow down, be present and focus on doing one simple thing: breathe.
As a dietitian, I see my coworkers, family members, and even myself as multitasking machines in this day and age. I’m busy. You’re busy. The person in front of you at the car wash is busy. Nowadays busy is just who we are – but it doesn’t have to sabotage living a healthier lifestyle, especially for athletes. I find I look forward to visiting my local yoga studio and powering down. Even if it’s just for 45 minutes, my body and brain crave this shift in energy!
Savasana, or Corpse Pose, is a pose of pure relaxation. Instructors often joke that it’s their favorite pose, yet the most challenging as well. Why? It’s easy to want to fidget, think of your to-do list or what’s for dinner (Beef of course!), etc. Our minds are often thinking of what’s next rather than enjoying and being present in the moment. Practicing savasana helps condition the body to release stress by gradually relaxing one body part at a time, one muscle at a time, and one thought at a time. This in turn, helps bring the body back to homeostasis and lower cortisol levels (aka the stress hormone). Additional whole-body benefits may include:
- Improved gut health and digestion
- Strengthened immune system
- Better sleep
- Reduction in overeating and stress eating
- Improved mood
- Increased sense of mindfulness around food consumption and food choices
As an athlete, yoga can be a powerful recovery tool, promoting both physical and mental well-being. Physically, it may enhance flexibility, reduce injury risk, and improve circulation. Mentally, it may build resilience and strengthen the mind-body connection, leading to greater efficiency and maximizing performance.
Yoga also teaches us to be kind to our bodies, non-judgmental, and recognize that every day is different on and off our mat. These same principles easily relate to nutrition too. Set your intention. Focusing on the Build Your Base™ principles, ensure that you have protein, fruit/vegetable, and fiber-rich carbohydrate foods at each meal:
🥩 Post-Workout Meal: A lean steak with roasted sweet potatoes, broccoli, and mixed berries.
🥜 Quick Snack: Beef jerky paired with nuts/seeds and coconut water.
🍲 Recovery Bowl: Beef stir-fry with quinoa and colorful veggies for a nutrient-packed meal.
The teacher and student in me, sees and honors the teacher and student AND strength in slowing down in each and every one of you.
- Erin Good, RD, LD
- Director of Nutrition & Health, Iowa Beef Industry Council
- Volunteer Clinical Director Health Promotions, Special Olympics Iowa
Stress Less in the Kitchen! Nourish Your Mind & Body with This Deliciously Simple Meal
Lemony Beef & Barley with Sugar Snap Peas from BeefItsWhatsForDinner.com.