Build Your Base with California

Build Your Base is a comprehensive sports nutrition and training program that utilizes beef as its premier protein. It strives to prepare young athletes and their families for a successful sports season. This program provides a toolkit that contains ready-to-use material as well as resources that lead to overall success towards a healthful lifestyle through a collaborative partnership between the California Beef Industry Council, South Dakota Beef Industry Council, Sanford Health, and the Sanford Sports Science Institute.
About California Beef Industry Council
The California Beef Council (CBC) was established in 1954 to serve as the promotion, research, and education arm of the California beef industry and is mandated by the California Food and Agricultural Code. The CBC works on behalf of all segments of beef production within California, including range cattle, dairy cattle, feedlots, packers/processors, and the general public. The CBC provides various education and resources on beef production, nutrient value, food preparation, and recipes.