Build Your Base with New Jersey

Build Your Base is a comprehensive sports nutrition and training program that utilizes beef as its premier protein. It strives to prepare young athletes and their families for a successful sports season. This program provides a toolkit that contains ready-to-use material as well as resources that lead to overall success towards a healthful lifestyle through a collaborative partnership between the Northeast Beef Promotion Initiative, the South Dakota Beef Industry Council, Sanford Health, and the Sanford Sports Science Institute.
About Northeast Beef Promotion Initiative
The Northeast Beef Promotion Initiative (NEBPI), a subcontractor to the Beef Checkoff, extends national developed Checkoff messaging and content into the heavily populated Northeast region of the country where people outnumber cattle 14-1. The Northeast region is home to 72 million consumer, which equates to nearly a quarter of the nation’s population, as well as 4 of the top 10 metro cities. The NEBPI program works with three core audiences – supply chain experts with influence (retail and foodservice partners), consumers and nutrition experts with influence (registered dietitians, medical doctors, etc.).